Banking, Insurance and Financial Services Markets in South Eastern Europe

Friday 26 May, 2017 – 9 am – Conference Hall | MIB Trieste School of Management – Largo Caduti di Nassiriya 1, Trieste                     SCARICA IL PROGRAMMA INFO e RSVP: Alessandra Szoldatics Tel. 040 9188 159 [email protected] MIB Trieste School of Management COMUNICATO STAMPA DI LANCIO DELL’EVENTO  …

Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome “Savings Investment and Finance at the Service of the European Idea”

Joint statement by the banking, insurance and finance communities of the six founding countries signatories to the Rome Treaty: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome “Savings Investment and Finance at the Service of the European Idea”

Celebrazioni del 60esimo Anniversario del Trattato di Roma “Investimenti risparmio e finanza al servizio dell’idea europea”

Dichiarazione congiunta delle istituzioni bancarie, assicurative e finanziarie dei sei paesi firmatari del Trattato di Roma: Belgio; Francia; Germania; Italia; Lussemburgo e Paesi Bassi. Celebrazioni del 60esimo Anniversario del Trattato di Roma “Investimenti risparmio e finanza al servizio dell’idea europea”

Finance for Growth in Long-Term Europe: Advancing Investment, Sustainability and Reforms – RIF 2016

“Finance for growth” is a new approach to investment, sustainability and reforms. It has been at the centre of discussions and policy analyses of the Rome Investment Forum since the end of 2014. The idea that development in the financial sector should drive a new phase of modernisation, stability and growth in Europe has gained…

Financing Long-Term Europe: A Common Agenda for Reforms, Investment and Growth – RIF 2015

When the Rome Investment Forum was established at the end of 2014, “finance for growth” emerged as the key concept of a new phase in economic policy making in Europe. Two years on, after a tepid and murky recovery of the global, and the European, economy,  tainted by fragility and growing uncertainty, “finance for growth”…

“Savings, Investment and Finance at the Service of the European Idea”- Celebrations of the 60th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome

3rd April 2017 – 3 pm – Palazzo Altieri, Sala della Clemenza – Piazza del Gesù, 49 Rome Joint Statement “Savings, Investment and Finance at the Service of the European Idea”- Celebrations of the 60th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome DOWNLOAD THE JOINT STATEMENT SCARICA LA DICHIARAZIONE CONGIUNTA Registration is required, please write to…

Risposta FeBAF alla Consultazione della Commissione Europea sulla Mid-term Review della CMU

Dopo un anno e mezzo dall’Action Plan della Commissione Europea in cui si stabilivano le azioni e la roadmap necessarie al raggiungimento degli obiettivi della Capital Markets Union (CMU), Bruxelles avvia la propria revisione di metà termine. Scopo della review, accertare i progressi sin qui raggiunti, integrare con eventuali ulteriori misure non previste nella pianificazione…