“Finance for growth” is a new approach to investment, sustainability and reforms. It has been at the centre of discussions and policy analyses of the Rome Investment Forum since the end of 2014.
The idea that development in the financial sector should drive a new phase of modernisation, stability and growth in Europe has gained traction in public opinion and public circles. But how this policy approach would translate in more competitiveness and jobs, better functioning markets and more cohesive societies, has so far remained a complex and controversial question.
With the recovery gaining momentum, and Europe showing greater confidence in shaping new visions for the future, the time is ripe for addressing the most pressing needs and bridging the gaps and vulnerabilities of the European construction.
This volume collects contributions presented at or stimulated by the December 2016 edition of the Rome Investment Forum. It illustrates the many dimensions of policy and business strategy on which reform efforts are to be focused. It canvasses the opinion and the expertise of a wide range of players, both in business and civil society, in policy and the world of research, in the financial community and the real economy.
Europe is back. But the challenges are greater than in the past and a greater sense of pragmatism and responsibility is warranted.