European Commission consultation on the reform of European economic governance: a contribution from the Italian banking, insurance, and finance community 2021

The response of the Italian Banking Insurance and Finance Federation on the European Commission consultation on the Growth and Stability Pact (GSP) -December 2021 European Commission consultation on the reform of European economic governance: a contribution from the Italian banking, insurance, and finance community 2021

Rome Investment Forum Empowers Talents 2021

E’ partita la quinta edizione del premio di laurea RIFET – Rome Investment Forum Empowers Talents, l’iniziativa di FeBAF che premia i migliori laureati e laureandi con tesi nelle materie collegate al Rome Investment Forum, Financing Long-Term Europe. Confermato il patrocinio dell’Adeimf (Associazione dei docenti di economia degli intermediari e dei mercati finanziari e finanza d’impresa) e…