Keynote Speakers
Luigi Abete, Chairman FeBAF and BNL – Discorso Luigi Abete – Speech by Luigi Abete
Mario Baldassarri, Chairman Centro Studi Economia Reale
Pier Carlo Padoan, Minister of Economy and Finance, Italy
Antonio Tajani, Vice-President, European Parliament
Le interviste della Conferenza – Interviews of the Conference
Dominick Salvatore, Fordham University, New York
Gao Haihong, China Academy of Science
Emilio Rossi Senior Advisor, Oxford Economics
Mario Baldassarri Chairman, Centro Studi Economia Reale
Streaming completo su Radio Radicale – Full Conference streaming on Radio Radicale
The recovery underway appears uneven, fragile and precarious. Uncertainties and down side risks abound.
The legacy of the Great Crisis still weighs on the economic situation of the household, corporate and Government sectors: balance sheet imbalances, half-way reforms, high unemployment – particularly among youth-, fragmentation of financial markets, gaps in productivity and innovation, sluggish public confidence, etc.
Signals however are emerging that a new cycle of economic growth is taking shape, driven by the profound and painful adjustments stimulated by the crisis. A new wave of sweeping technological advances is spurring regional and global economic integration. Modernization of financial and capital markets is providing new sources of financing for infrastructure investment and the SMEs, partially compensating for the drainage of resources caused by deleveraging. Trade and investment liberalization have come back to the top of the national and international policy agenda. Reform of regulatory and governance frameworks under the aegis of the G-20 and in response to the Euro crisis (e.g. the European Banking Union) have created a more resilient monetary fiscal and financial environment. Public finance consolidation in both North America and the EU periphery has made considerable progress, in spite of the weak and delayed post crisis recovery.
Will these signals be confirmed and strengthened in the medium term? Will they bear fruit in terms of greater stability and sustainable development? Under what conditions? Where in the world economy? And how?
Will the fledgling Banking Union rekindle European integration and revamp its leading role in the regional and global exchequer? What are the challenges for the new legislature of the European Parliament, and the new European Commission?
The threats to stability in the Euro Mediterranean region (Syria, the aborted Arab springs, etc.) and in Eastern Europe (Ukraine) require enhancing the transatlantic partnership (T-tip) and a new thrust in the EU Russia relationships. Under what conditions? And with what prospects?
The Conference will bring together academics, policy makers, international organizations and opinion leaders from around the world, to discuss the challenges ahead in the global, European integration and the Euro-zone.
Location: Rome, Temple of Hadrian, Piazza di Pietra
Dates: Thursday September 17th – Friday September 18th, 2015
Languages: The Conference will be held in English