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Rome Investment Forum 2020
Concept note
Distinctive features, a renewed format
A strong digital component will be the framework of our international and authoritative symposium where the main topics for the European and Italian economy and finance are dealt, with a look at transatlantic and global relations.
In-depth analyses will be dedicated to the post-pandemic prospects, recovery and reform plans, capital markets union and banking union, economic and monetary union, capitalisation of enterprises, innovation, fintech and insurtech, sustainable finance. With a comprehensive view of national, European and global issues and an enlarged perspective of the“new normal” that will certainly accompany us also in the near future.
Working Languages: Italian and English (translation provided).
Main Topics
- Investing in Getting Out of the Tunnel: The Next Generations and the Future of Europe
- The implementation of recovery strategies at the local, national, and European level
- If not now when? The CMU between old challenges and new opportunities
- Sustainable Finance for a greener and more resilient recovery
- Monitoring and managing uncertainty and the new risk scenarios: innovation, fintech and insurtech
- Shared visions and cooperative leaderships for Europe and the world: towards a new financial order and a new multilateral cooperation
10:00 – 11:00 CET – Opening
A new vision for Italy’s and Europe’s future in a turbulent and disorderly global exchequer
Keynote address
Luigi Abete (Chairman Italian Banking Insurance and Finance Federation – FeBAF)
Giuseppe Conte (President of the Council of Ministers of Italy) – video message
Paolo Gentiloni (European Commissioner for Economy)
Keynote address
11:00 – 13:30 CET Investing in Getting Out of the Tunnel: The Next Generations and the Future of Europe
- The European and national responses to Covid-19: adequate, forward looking and well-coordinated?
- The “new normals”. Facing black swans and tail risks and building more resilient and sustainable economies societies and lifestyles
- The concrete deliverables of EU policy programs (Green New Deal, Next Generation EU, etc.). Impact on jobs, SMEs, local communities and social infrastructure.
- Financing investment and the real economy: the contribution of banks, insurance and capital markets
- The legacy of unfinished agendas: (BU, CMU, Economic and Monetary Union, the Digital Union, etc.) and the new challenges after the Covid outbreak
- Dialogues and partnerships: public-private; industry-finance; technology-inclusion; etc.
Policy perspectives
- Roberto Gualtieri (Italian Minister of Economy and Finance)
- Nadia Maria Calviño (Spanish Vice-President and Minister for Economy and Digitalization)
- Pierre Gramegna (Luxembourg Minister of Finance)
Moderated by: Guy Johnson (Bloomberg)
- Michael Cole-Fontayn (Chairman AFME)
- Elisa Menardo (Director Policy and Public Affairs Credit Suisse)
Interviewer: Alessandro Speciale (Bloomberg)
Industry roundtable
- Emanuele Orsini (Vice Chairman Confindustria)
- Augusto dell’Erba (Board member EACB)
- Maria Bianca Farina (Chairwoman ANIA)
- Daniel Gros (Director CEPS)
- Giovanni Sabatini (General Manager ABI and Chairman of the Steering Committee for Financing Growth EBF)
Moderated by: Alessandro Speciale (Bloomberg)
13:30 – 14:30 CET break
14:30 – 15:30 CET The implementation of recovery strategies at the local national and European levels
- National priorities and European policies: how to achieve results and respond to people’s demands (the Next Generation EU, the recovery plans, and the other policy tools)
- National and European healthcare policy reforms: old divides and new concerns
- PPPs, social dialogue, research and development, intergenerational dialogue, equal opportunities
- Immediate and urgent next steps and long-term objectives
Mario Nava (Director General Structural Reform Support REFORM European Commission)
- Innocenzo Cipolletta (Chairman AIFI)
- Andrea Montanino (Chief Economist Cassa Depositi e Prestiti)
- Eleonora Rizzuto (Founder and President Aisec)
- Karl-Peter Schackmann-Fallis (Executive Member of the Board DSGV)
- Laurent Zylberberg (Director of Institutional European and international affairs Caisse des Dépôts group)
Session moderated by: Ferdinando Giugliano (Bloomberg)
15:30 – 15:45 CET break
15:45 – 16:45 CET If not now when? The CMU between old challenges and new opportunities
- Has CV -19 changed priorities in financing recovery and growth?
- In search of a EU integrated financial market
- The more than ever needed link between savings and investment
- Private savings and the real economy: focus on Italy
Irene Tinagli (Chair ECON Committee European Parliament)
- Marcel Haag (Director Horizontal Policies DG FISMA European Commission)
- Anna Gervasoni (General Manager AIFI)
- Rainer Masera (Dean of the Business School Guglielmo Marconi University)
- Jacqueline Mills (Head of Advocacy AFME)
- David Wright (Chairman Eurofi)
Session moderated by: Marco Bertacche (Bloomberg)
16:45 – Day one conclusion
9:30 – 10:30 CET Sustainable Finance for a greener and more resilient recovery
- The EU Green New Deal in the light of the European and national responses to Covid-19
- EU will succeed as global leader of sustainable finance? Will the renewed strategy of sustainable finance be adequate to meet the goal?
- Which is the impact of the development of the EU framework (Taxonomy, Disclosure, Green Bonds Standards, Ecolabel …) on financial services providers? The lack of comparable and reliable data will continue to be an obstacle?
- What can we aspect at the global level from 2021? And from the global fora of G20 and COP26?
Raffaele Jerusalmi (Chief Executive Officer Borsa Italiana)
Keynote address
- Ugo Bassi (Director Financial Markets DG FISMA European Commission)
- Mark Garvin (Vice Chairman Corporate and Investment Bank JP Morgan)
- Sir Roger Gifford (Chairman, Green Finance Institute)
- Antonella Massari (Secretary General AIPB)
- Silvia Maria Rovere (President Confindustria Assoimmobiliare)
- Anne-Claire Roux (Managing Director Finance for tomorrow)
Session moderated by: Alessandra Migliaccio (Bloomberg)
10:30 – 10:45 CET break
10:45 – 12:00 CET Monitoring and managing uncertainty and the new risk scenarios: innovation, fintech and insurtech
- How innovation is shaping the future of the banking, financial and insurance sectors. Which is the impact of Covid-19?
- What role can Big Data and Artificial Intelligence have in the modernization of the financial sector?
- Incumbents and start-ups: competition or partnership?
- Data protection regulations in fintech and insurtech at the national and EU level
- Gianmarco Carnovale (Chairman Roma Startup)
- Pierfrancesco Gaggi* (Chairman AbiLab)
- Maurizio Montagnese (Chairman Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center)
- Maria Grazia Miele (Head of Statistical and It Support Division Bank of Italy)
- Alessandra Pasquoni (Head of Finance ANIA)
- Lorenzo Scatena (Secretary General Fondazione E. Amaldi)
Session moderated by: Chiara Albanese (Bloomberg) *to be confirmed
12:00 – 12:15 CET Graduation Award Programme Ceremony “Rome Investment Forum Empower Talents – RIFET”
12:15 – 14:30 break
14:30 – 16:30 CET Closing Session – Shared visions and cooperative leaderships for Europe and the world: towards a new financial order and a new multilateral cooperation
- The EU in the pan-European perspective: integrating financial markets towards Eastern Europe and the Euro-Mediterranean
- Regionalism, bilateralism and conflicting spheres of influence: in search of a more stable and convergent multipolarism
- New transatlantic relations? What role for investment and finance?
- Reshaping GVCs after Covid-19 and the new geo-political realities: what does resiliency imply?
Opening remarks
Mark Sobel (Advisory Council BWC)
Keynote address
- Antoinette Monsio Sayeh (Deputy Managing Director IMF)
- Pier Virgilio Dastoli (Chairman European Movement Italy)
- José Manuel Gonzalez-Paramo (Professor of Economics IESE Business School)
- Maria Chiara Malaguti (President UNIDROIT)
- Antonio Parenti (Head of the European Commission’s Representation in Italy)
- Bernard Spitz (President International & Europe, MEDEF)
- Nicolas Véron (Senior Fellow Bruegel and Peterson Institute for International Economics)
Session moderated by: Tommaso Ebhardt (Bloomberg)
16:30 – 16:45 CET Conclusion
Paolo Garonna (Secretary General Italian Banking Insurance and Finance Federation – FeBAF)
Rome Investment Forum Empowers Talents – RIFET
Fourth edition for the ‘Rome Investment Forum Empowers Talents – RIFET’, the graduation award programme related to the Rome Investment Forum. Graduated and graduating students can compete with their degree dissertation abstracts in the fields of economics, law and political sciences. Deadline 30 November. The award ceremony will be held during the Rome Investment Forum on 15 dicember. The programme is organized under the patronage of Adeimf (the Italian association of professors of economics of intermediaries and financial markets and corporate finance) and in co-operation with ABI Formazione. Better classified will be awarded with the publication of their dissertations and scholarships (full or partial) for the Post Degree Banking and Financial Diploma organized by ABI Formazione.