Rome Investment Forum 2015
Financing Long-Term Europe
11-12 December 2015
Centro Congressi Palazzo Rospigliosi – Via XXIV Maggio 43, Rome
Investment is the key driver in the European Reform Agenda.
Investment means a better balance between stability and growth, a new approach to public and private partnerships, a more visionary idea of social and economic sustainability, a stronger committment to innovation and fairness.
As Europe speeds up on-going reforms and looks forward to new ones, the Rome Investment Forum 2015 intends to review the European Reform Agenda, promote a sense of urgency and concrete deliverables, build on a shared vision of a common future.
Luigi Abete, Chairman of the Italian Banking Insurance and Finance Federation, Welcome Address
The European Reform Agenda: Investment for Growth
Antonio Tajani, Vice-President of the European Parliament, Keynote Address
Mario Nava, On behalf of Commissioner Jonathan Hill, European Commission, Keynote Address
Veronica De Romanis, Stanford University, The Breyer Center for Overseas Studies in Florence, Presentation
The European Investment Strategy: The Role of National, Regional and Sectoral Policies
Edoardo Reviglio, Chief Economist, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, Background Presentation
Marcello Messori, Director, LUISS School of European Political Economy, Presentation
SMEs and Infrastructure Financing for Stabilization and Long-Term Growth
Mario Nava, DG FISMA European Commission, Keynote Address
Fabrizio Pagani, Head of the Office of the Minister of Economy and Finance, Keynote Address MEF A – Finance Growth, MEF B – Italys Reforms, MEF C – Resilient and Modern banks to finance growth, MEF D – Boost Competitiveness
Norberto Arquilla, Professor, Graduate School of Tax Police, Background Presentation
Angelo Federico Arcelli, Partner, Oliver Wyman, Presentation
Finance for Growth: The Capital Markets Union
Marek Belka, President, Bank of Poland, Keynote Address
Salvatore Rossi, Senior Deputy Governor, Bank of Italy, and President, IVASS, Keynote Address
John Llewellyn, Co-Founder and Partner, Llewellyn Consulting, Background Presentation
Dario Focarelli, Director General, ANIA, Presentation
Investing in Sustainable Finance and Social Infrastructure
D. Domingo Sugranyes Bickel, President, Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation, Keynote Address
Davide Dal Maso, Secretary General, Forum Finanza Sostenibile and Jonathan Watson, Managing Director, INTEGRATE, Background Presentation
Investment for Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development
Pietro Parolin, H.E. Secretary of State, Cardinal of the Catholic Church, Message also on behalf of His Holiness Pope Francis
Sergio Lugaresi, Head of Office, Rome, World Bank, Presentation
Kishore Jayabalan, Director, Istituto Acton, POVERTY INC Trailer